Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Annyssa Ryvaal, Talon of Everblight

Annyssa is one of Legion's best characters. She has a few things going for her. First of all, she does what you buy her for and does it well. She can shoot and back up all day long, harassing the flanks and circling around to get at rear support pieces. Second, she's relavent all game. She transitions from shooting up infantry to smacking preyed warcasters very nicely. And third, she makes the Raptors, already one of Legions best units, even better. Veteran Leader kind of sucks on Finn, but on a large base that the Raptors can see through most of two armies it's really solid.


Incubi aren't something you see a lot of. Legion tends to run beast heavy, and people prefer to have their five point investment on the table at the beginnng. I've found them to be decent though. They aren't spectacular, but they aren't bad either. The big thing they have going for them is that they let you push deeper into your opponents force. The two front lines clash, and all of a sudden you have guys behind their front line charging into support solos and getting in the way of their second wave. I have more than once forgotten to use them though. Out of sight out of mind as they say.