Legion vs Circle 750 Points
As winter deepens armies have returned to mountain holds with captured supplies and prepared their defenses to repel invaders. Invaders have encircled the homes of the dug in defenders who stand determined to inflict a heavy price in blood for every inch gained.
Special Rules and Set Up
The defending player places 4 structures on his side of the table before the start of the game. The buildings are the defender's holds and count as stone buildings with ARM 18 that can take 10 damage points per inch.
If an attacking model damages one of the structures comprising the defending player's holds the nearest model/unit in the defending army is filled with a desire for vengeance. The model/unit gains +1STR and +1 ARM for one round. A model/unit may only be affectedby this ability once per round.
Players alternate placing 3 additional forest, hill, deep snow, or ice terrain features each. These terrain features cannot be placed within 3" of the opponent's deployment zone.Myantek set up the four buildings in her deployment zone. One on each flank in her deployment zone, another in the zone to the centre left, and the largest building centre right just outside her deployment zone. A large hill was set up on the right flank and on the edge of the Legion deployment zone. Forests were placed centre right directly in front of Myantek's largest building and to the back left in front of the Legion zone. Finaly a template with two small mounds was placed on the left flank.
The defending player deploys first and takes the first turn.
Victory Conditions
The defending player wins if the attacker's warlock is destroyed or removed from play.
The attacking player wins if he destroys all 4 buildings comprising the defender's holds.
Victory Spoils: If the attacking player wins scenario 4 that player gains an additional 50 points to spend in scenario 5
Cry of Vengeance: If the defending player wins scenario 4 that player's models gain +1 STR and +1 ARM for the first two rounds of scenario 5
Tactical Advantage: The victorious player choses whether to go first or second in scenario 5.
- Kaya, the Wildborn
- Argus
- Argus
- Warpwolf
- Woldwatcher
- Woldwarden
- Lord of the Feast
- Totem Hunter
- 4 Tharn Ravagers + Beast Lord
- 9 Wolves of Orboros + Huntsman
- Shifting Stones
- Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
- Carnivean
- Seraph
- Seraph
- Teraph
- Harrier
- Harrier
- 8 Blighted Swordsmen + Vassal
- Spawning Vessel and 6 Acolyths (proxied)
- 4 Warmongers + Apostle
- The Forsaken
- The Forsaken
Legion- I (Defenstrator) put my Warmongers
Turn 1
Turn 2
Circle- Kaya reaved and dropped Cloak of Mists. The Woldwarden moved up and Spirit Fanged
Turn 3
Legion - Lylyth leeched while Harrier 1 tested for Frenzy and passed again. The Swordsmen charged into Argus 2 and whacked him for 11 points. Seraph 1 then moved over and shot at the Lord of the Feast but missed. Lylyth then activated and started by using her feat. She was within 5" and shots at the Totem Hunter, missing. Myantek's relief is short lived however as the second shot promptly killed him, putting 2 more tokens on the Vessel. She then used her Bushwhack ability to move left to where much of the fighting was about to take place. Seraph 1 then unloaded on the Lord of the Feat but, due to bad damage rolls, merely plinked him for 4 points. The Carnivean used Dragons Breath on the Wolves on the hill killing two, one of which was the Huntsman. Without his leadership the Wolves failed the subsequent fear test from this Horrific Attack. The Spawning Vessel then moved up as the Acolyths reposition. The Warmongers then charged the Ravagers. Thanks to the cramped terrain and Lylths feat the Warmongers rampaged, but not in the manner expected. At the end of their activation they had killed two Ravagers, two Warmongers, and severly injured two other Warmongers. Ergh. Harrier 2 charged the Lord of the Feast but only did another point of damage. Forsaken 1 too a Fury off Seraph 1 while Forsaken 2 took 2 Fury off the Carnivean.
Turn 4
Circle- Kaya leeched while on the other side the Wolves retreated but managed to rally. The
Legion- Harrier 1 and 2 both had to do Frenzy checks, but again everyone passed. Harrier 1 spent his remaining Fury point to charge the Lord of the Feast. He hit but bounced off with a paltry damage roll of 4. Forsaken 2 Blight Shrouded, mainly just to get rid of the Fury, and killed a Wolf of Orborus. Forsaken 1 then moved forward and Blight Shrouded, killing Argus 2. Seraph 2 then shot the Woldwarden doing 9 points of damage. Lylyth killed a Ravager and put Spiny Growth on herself. Then final Warmonger went Beserk and killed two Ravagers, including their leader, to put two more tokens on the Spawning Vessel. Seraph 1 then shot up the Woldwarden some more, blowing off his Mind. The Carnivean added some firepower and shipped off 3 more points of the Woldwarden with Dragons Breath then put Spiny Growth on himself. I finished off by forgetting to use the Spawning Vessel.
Turn 5
Legion- Flat on his back Harrier 1 Frenzied and did nothing. The Carnivean Frenzied and stomped forward to kill 2 Wolves. The Spawning Vessel produced a Shredder which then activated and charged Argus 1, missing. The Swordsman on Argus 1 also missed. Seraph 2 shot at the Woldwarden but all bounced off. Seraph 1 shot at the clustered Wolves but only managed to kill 1. Lylyth activated last and shot at the last Ravager but couldn't manage to hit him. She then Bushwhacked away and put Tenacity on herself and both Seraphs. A pretty blah turn I have to say.
Turn 6
Legion- Lylyth leeched. Forsken 1 moved up and Blight Shrouded, killing the 4 remaining Wolves. Seraph 1 aimed and gunned down the
Turn 7
Circle- Kaya leeched. Argus 1 charged and killed the new Harrier. The Warpwolf advanced in and killed 2 Acolyths, giving the Spawning Vessel 2 more tokens. Kaya circled around and Spirit Doored the Warpwolf to her, then healed Argus 1 for a point. The Shifting Stones ended the turn by teleporting in nearby her.
Legion- Lylyth leeched. The whole Legion army is now converging on the small cluster of Circle models on the left side of the table. Forsaken 2 moved up and Blight Shrouds but was just short of the Warpwolf. Lylyth hung behind him, shot at the Warpwolf and missed. The Carnivean Assaulted and shot through the centre trees. He destroyed a Shifting Stone and hurt the Warpwolf. Seraph 2 also moved in but is only able to hit the Warpwolf once. The Spawning Vessel then produced another Harrier which then charged Kaya, doing 12 points of damage to her. Forsaken 1 ran to put himself firmly in front of Lylyth.
Turn 8
Wow that was a long game. Right off the bat I decided to ignore my victory conditions of destroying the buildings. They were way too tough, had too many hit points, and I would have to fight through the Circle army to get to them. Much better, I decided, to simply kill all the Circle and then destroy the buildings at my leisure. I seemed on track to do that even with a couple of horrible turns that badly hurt me. Unfortunately in my eagerness to finish Kaya I forgot to be ultra paranoid about protecting Lylyth. That cost me the game as Kaya magiced in and gave Lylyth the beat down.
It's all about patience. I was fairly certain that he was going to ignore the victory conditions of the scenario and just go for a straight caster kill. (Honestly, he told me that was what he was going to do before the game started.) So I really had to try and use the terrain to my advantage. The buildings are hard cover that Eyeless Sight can't just see through so I wanted to keep my heavy hitters behind them as much as I could. I could just wait for him to come to me so I didn't have to expose my forces to all that Seraph fire. The rest of the terrain I was hoping would funnel his non-pathfinding infantry to areas that I could get a better handle on them. If I'd been a little more agressive with the Wolves I might not have lost quite so many models. It was getting a little dicey for me when I was down to the Warpwolf and an Argus but I knew that Lylyth would have to get close enough at some point that I could Spirit Door in and just keep hitting her until she went down.
I did get lucky in a few places, (who knew that a Lord of the Feast could absorb that much fire power?) but I'm relieved that when we came to a scenario where the odds were in my favour that I actually managed to pull out a win.
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